Ca’Pietra Pink Moodboard, featuring Akazu Mosaic, Reform Reformed Stone, Marlborough Arabesque, Bamboo Mosaic, Wiltshire Hares
Colour or neutrals? Neutrals or colour? That is the question. I personally flit back and forth between the two. I spent my younger adult years living in magnolia rentals so I developed a bit of a fear of colour. It took me a good few years to feel confident bringing colour into my own home once we bought our flat. About as soon as I managed it, the tide turned and neutral palettes were dominating home renovations, with soft whites, greys, and beiges becoming the chosen backdrop of contemporary interiors. Around the time of the pandemic I noticed a distinct split in home interior trends with some people opting for what I called organic minimalism, whilst others were veering towards joyful maximalism. Neither of these trends are better than the other and it totally depends on how we want to personally feel at home.